Basel III Training

Basel III Training

Workshop on  Basel III in Nepal: Enhancing Banking Stability and Security

Basel III Training: Basel III reform extends the micro-prudential regulation, to raise the resilience of individual banking institutions in periods of stress. Nepal Rastra Bank has implemented the revised form of Basel III Capital Regulations for the Class “A‟ institutions of Nepal. To improve the banking sector’s ability to absorb shocks arising from financial and economic stress, Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) issued “Basel III: A global regulatory framework for more resilient banks and banking systems” in December 2010.

Basel III Training has set its objectives to improve the shock-absorbing capacity of each and every individual bank as the first order of defense. In addition to the measures, the efforts were directed to ensure that the banking system as a whole does not weaken and that its spillover impact on the real economy is minimized.

Basel III Training Course Objective

After attending the session, the participant will be able to:

  • Understand the fundamental reasons for the banking crisis of 2008 and the necessity of the pronouncement of Basel III
  • Have in-depth knowledge of elements of capital, their quality, consistency, and target ratios under the New Capital Adequacy Framework
  • Imparted on Loss Absorbency characteristic of the element of capital: Going concerned Vs Gone concern understand the component of regulatory adjustment and the necessity of the adjustment: Understand Reporting requirements under New Capital Adequacy
  • Understand minimum capital ratios and transitional period arrangement Understand buffer capital and macro-prudential measure
  • Understand the requirement for non-risk-based leverage ratio and liquidity coverage Understand the objective of Buffer requirement, leverage ratio, LCR, and NSFR
Course Content

1. Session 1: Basel Core principles

  • Objectives of the BCPs
  • Preconditions for adequate banking supervision
  • The 29 principles
  • Self-assessment

2. Session 2: Corporate Governance in BFIs

  • Corporate Governance Principles
  • Governance Failure Cases
  • Nepalese Context: Provisions and Practices

3. Sessions 3 and 4: Basel Framework

  • Basel Accord
  • Evolution of Basel I, Basel II, Basel III
  • Three Pilar Concepts
  • Pillar I: Minimum Capital Requirements, Capital Calculation for credit risk, operational risk, market risk
  • Pillar II: Supervisory Review Process
  • Pillar III: Disclosure

4. Session 5: Credit Risk Management

  • Drivers of credit risk
  • Credit risk management principles
  • Credit risk management in the Nepalese context

5. Session 6: Operational Risk Management

  • Understanding operational risk
  • Fraud Cases
  • Managing operational risk

Target Participants:

Bankers assigned with the responsibility of Basel II & III reporting to NRB, accounting, financial reporting, credit administration, bond/long-term instruments issue requirement compliance, etc.

How do we deliver?

Frontline believes in training for transformation and its methodologies change with the change in corporate culture.

  • Participatory-led oral presentation
  • Activity-based learning
  • Case-study and analysis
  • Demonstrations and practice exercises
Program Details:

Investment: 9,000+VAT

About Trainer

For this training session, the trainer will be the Director of the Bank Supervision Department, who is from the Nepal Rastra Bank.


Contact Number: 9801093136