Assessment and Development Center

Assessment and Development Center

Revolutionize Talent Assessment with Assessment and Development Centers (ADCs)

Are you tired of traditional assessment methods falling short in accurately evaluating competencies and potential?Introducing Frontline ADCs, a game-changing approach that revolutionizes Talent Assessment for recruitment and selection, promotion, succession planning, and development purposes.

Many Organizations often struggle with effectively assessing individuals’ competencies and potential for recruitment, promotion, and development purposes. Traditional methods like interviews and reference checks may not provide an objective and reliable evaluation.

The lack of an accurate assessment method can lead to hiring or promoting individuals who may not possess the necessary skills or potential for success. This can result in wasted resources and missed opportunities for organizational growth and development.

Frontline Consult Assessment and Development Centers (ADCs), a comprehensive process that utilizes various techniques to assess individuals’ competencies and potential. ADCs incorporate in-basket exercises, case studies, role-plays, and psychometric tests to evaluate cognitive abilities, personality traits, and values.

Benefits of ADCs:

  • Objective and reliable assessment: ADCs provide a more standardized and unbiased evaluation than traditional methods, ensuring fairness and accuracy in decision-making.
  • Comprehensive competency assessment: ADCs assess various competencies, enabling organizations to identify the most suitable candidates for specific roles and positions.
  • Multi-purpose application: ADCs serve various purposes, including recruitment and selection, promotion, succession planning, and employee development, making them a versatile tool for talent management.
  • Informed decision-making: The results of ADCs, evaluated by a panel of assessors using a scoring rubric, guide decision-making processes, ensuring informed choices for hiring, promotion, and development opportunities.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to revolutionize your talent assessment processes. Invest in Assessment and Development processes for better recruitment, selection, promotion, succession plan, and development decisions.
The development processes after gaining results from the assessment process can vary depending on the specific purpose of the assessment, the organization’s culture, and the individual’s needs. However, some general steps that can be taken include:

After Assessment Process

The development processes after gaining results from the assessment process can vary depending on the specific purpose of the assessment, the organization’s culture, and the individual’s needs. However, some general steps that can be taken include:

Review The Assessment Results: The first step is to carefully review the assessment results to identify any areas where the individual needs to improve. This may involve identifying strengths and weaknesses, as well as areas where the individual’s performance is not meeting expectations.
The first step is to carefully review the assessment results to identify any areas where the individual needs to improve. This may involve identifying strengths and weaknesses, as well as areas where the individual’s performance is not meeting expectations. Develop Development Plan Once the areas for improvement have been identified, a development plan can be created to help the individual achieve their goals. This plan should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.

Develop a  Development Plan:  Once the areas for improvement have been identified, a development plan can be created to help the individual achieve their goals. This plan should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.

Implement the Development Plan: The next step is to implement the development plan. This may involve providing the individual with training and coaching.

Other Resources to Help Them Improve:  Minutely inspect and monitor the individual’s progress and adjust the plan as needed.

Evaluate the Result: Once the development plan is implemented, it is important to evaluate the results to determine whether the individual has achieved their goals. If not, the plan may need to be revised or extended. Make sure the development plan is aligned with the individual’s goals and aspirations. The development plan should be tailored to the individual’s needs and interests. It is important to involve the individual in the development process to ensure that they are committed to the plan and believe that it will help them achieve their goals.

Provide the individuals with the resources and support they need to be successful. This may involve providing the individual with access to training, coaching, or other resources for improvement. It is also important to provide the individual with the time and support they need to implement the development plan.

Monitor the individual’s progress and provide regular constructive feedback.  Track and make adjustments as needed. This feedback will be specific, constructive, and actionable.

Celebrate successes: It is important to celebrate the individual’s successes along the way. This will help to motivate them and keep them engaged in the development process.

Competencies for Assessment/Test

1. Knowledge
2. Skills Function-based test ( Based on JD)
3. Attitude
4. Behavior
5. Logical/Reasoning Test

Tools for Assessment

We use different tools to assess different levels of people and competencies. Some are functions and others are personality and aptitude-based. 

Overall Assessment and Development Processes 


The cost of assessment will be based on the number of people assessed and The cost of the Development Program will be defined after the assessment findings. ( After Need Assessment)

For expert guidance on implementing effective ADCs, reach out to us!


Yogmaya Dhakal
Director- Business CONSULTING
Contact Number: 9801898005